【同义词辨析】 2018-08-09 顶峰summit-culmination

summit: implies the topmost level attainable: a singer at the ~ of his career.     新四第3篇because the summit was the prize they sought因为他们追求的是爬上顶峰 economic summit经济峰会summit meeting首脑峰会

peak: suggests the highest point reached in a course or during a specific length of time: an artist working at the ~ of her powers.   the peak of perfection/energy完美/能量的顶峰,如the peaks and valleys in electricity usage用电高峰和低谷,例句at the peak of her powers=at her peak能力顶峰,十分常用

pinnacle: suggests a dizzying and often insecure height: the ~ of success.    (dizzy头晕: she felt slightly dizzy and disoriented她感觉有点晕头转向)           dizzying令人眩晕的insecure不安全的高度,使人想到"高处不胜寒",比喻一些位高权重的人,没有知心的朋友,经常感觉被别人从高高的位置上推下来.就是说,站在高高的地方承受那里的风寒,如本例成功的巅峰,又如the pinnacle of his career/British politics事业/政界的巅峰   的意思是山顶

climax: implies the highest point in an ascending series: the moon landing marked the ~ of the program.         如the climax of the movie/tournament/gala concert/trial电影/锦标赛/音乐会/庭审的高潮 反义词anticlimax令人扫兴的结局   (ascend上升,逐渐上升implies continuous or progressive upward movement,如the sun ascends the sky红日冉冉升起)

apex: implies the point where all ascending lines or processes converge and in which everything is concentrated: Dutch culture reached its ~ in the 17th century.   如金字塔/山的顶端the apex of the pyramid/mountain,如at the apex of the party was its central committee该党的最高权力机构是中央委员会  

acme: implies a level of quality representing the perfection of a thing: a statue that was once deemed the ~ of beauty.    常用作商标,注意不要和acne痤疮混淆a condition in which the skin has many pimples粉刺,如a teenager with acne一个长痤疮的青少年

culmination: suggests an apex that is the outcome of a growth or development: the bill marked the ~ of the civil rights movement.     如each civilization is born, it culminates, and it dedays每一种文明都有其诞生、鼎盛和衰亡的过程,是新四第30篇的首句,如本例民权运动的顶峰(高潮)

summit顶峰主峰: 指所能达到的最高点,peak也是顶峰: (仅)表示一段路程、时间段的最高点,pinnacle顶峰: 表示让人感到眩晕不安全的高峰,climax高潮顶峰: 指不断上升达到的最高点,apex顶峰: 指所有线事件汇聚的最高点(converge汇聚,concentrate集中),acme顶峰: 指达到完美品质,culmination顶点: 表示是长期成长发展的最终结果

记忆方法:1)首字母SPPCAAC重组成AS CPC Policy Advisor作为中共政策顾问<==顶峰           ""是形声字,从山夆声,本义1、高而尖的山头,如山峰高峰巅峰主峰孤峰险峰 引申为2、像山峰的东西,如驼峰浪峰 3、比喻"最高处",如登造极值      ""的意思也是山顶


          3)顶峰的意思是所能达到的最高点mean the highest point attained or attainable.首字母SPPCAAC重组成AS CPC Policy Advisor作为中共政策顾问<==顶峰